The publication of the Senior Council that goes beyond middle age.
We represent the broadest and most diverse demographic, spanning an age range of 50 to 100 years young. With a readership of over 50,000, Senior News, now joined with Third Wave News, features articles that address the concerns we have or will face. We publish five times a year.
Why Third Wave? Well, the First Wave was when we were children. The Second Wave was about middle age. The Third Wave? Think of it as the next chapter—the one which we have yet to write.
For years, ‘senior’ has been a category that is a one size fits all group of anyone over age 50. But the Third Wave is not just about our age. People of every income level, every health condition, and every family status make up the Third Wave.
Senior News/Third Wave News recognizes who we are. In addition to the articles from experts and the general information columns, it also contains our stories, our recipes and our pictures. And, for those who are interested in events and programs, our Community Calendar offers a list of the numerous activities scheduled throughout our communities.
For a home subscription, go to HOME DELIVERY.
And for a taste of our articles, go to THE DOCTOR IS IN, COLLECTORS CORNER, and the DEAR MILDRED COLUMN or email us at: thirdwavenews@.....
Ellen Steinberg Managing Editor
Peter Humphreys Associate Editor
Kathleen Nelson McGlew Community Development
Gosia Smerdel Publication Designer
To reach the Senior News/Third Wave News
call: 908-964-7555 or email:
(To reach Ellen Steinberg, email her at